David not only finds time to collect and research silver he also undertakes lectures covering many aspects of spoon collecting. They can take the form of an informal gathering in intimate surroundings, through to Society and corporate events in a lecture theatre. They can be from a single general lecture to a series of lectures. You can also consider using the book as a working document and we can build lectures around the book. Once you have studied the book you will quickly recognise many lecture opportunities are available.
Collecting can be approached from many directions, if you would like help to catalogue, appraise, expand, and refine your collection, please do not hesitate to contact me. Many collections are formed based on a chance purchase and then items are brought together with out a particular theme, until one day something sparks and the collector decides that they want to specialise. An outside view of the collection will often help a collector to gain that missing focus and it is highly likely the collection will be like a pyramid with just a few items at the point of high quality and as the you look to the bottom of the pyramid many do not reach the same quality. Whereas what we all need to achieve is the pyramid is upside down and so the majority of the pieces are at the flat end and only a few are at the bottom in the tip.
If you’d like to find more information about either of these services, please get in contact for more information using the below form.